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白蘭樹下 Perfume Trees Gin
白蘭樹下 Perfume Trees Gin
白蘭樹下 Perfume Trees Gin
Urban Coffee Roaster

白蘭樹下 Perfume Trees Gin

Regular price $728.00 $0.00

酒散發著白蘭花, 柑橘檀香的氣息。入口後,杜松子成為基調,並伴有陳皮的草藥的溫暖柑橘味。餘味是龍井綠茶和當歸的持久餘韻。

White Champaca Blossoms (白蘭花)
Sandalwood (檀香)
15 Year Old Aged Tangerine Peel (15年陳皮)
Long Jing Green Tea (龍井茶)
Chinese Angelica (當歸)

Tasting Note:
香氣 : 白蘭花香、濃厚杜松子味
Nose: Champaca Floral, Deep Juniper
口感 : 柑橘果香
Palate: Orange, Citrus
尾韻 : 龍井、當歸、陳皮
Finishing: Longjing Tea, Chinese Angelica, Tangerine Peel


*This product is ONLY available in HK
*Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. (根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。)

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